Why DreamPad?

What is DreamPad?

DreamPad is the new decentralised journey for any succesful IDOs. With DreamPad, we set a new bar for launchpads in hope to create a new trend: Fairness.

How is DreamPad different?

Differently from competitors, DreamPad is equipped with the best frameworks available in the market, made with innovation and equitable.

We take pride into our service fee system, where no tokens or contribution are taxed from projects, meaning no percentage of funds raised are taxed. We finally give to projects what they have worked for, without keeping any of it.

Software: Prisma, NextJS, WAGMI, Planetscale, Thirdweb and Vercel are just few of the names that DreamPad uses to live, names commonly found in Fortune500 top companies.

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